Employers who want to hire a non-EU employee for a period longer than 3 months without using the knowledge migrants or EUICT program, can apply for a “GVVA” work and residence permit. GVVA is an abbreviation of “Gecombineerde Vergunning voor Verblijf en Arbeid”, in English: Combined Permit for Residency and Labour. The GVVA can be applied for a number of specific jobs:
GVVA (paid employment)
paid employment
For each job type there are specific conditions to be met. Bajapa can advise you in advance on these conditions.
Employers may also apply the GVVA permit for other jobs, however then they have to provide proof of making sufficient efforts to first search for a suitable candidate in the Dutch and EU labour market. Only when these efforts have shown to be in vain, the IND will issue a GVVA permit. In reality this proof is difficult to provide.
Employers can apply for a sole work permit (“TWV”) without a residence permit at the Labour Office when:
– The foreign employee has a Dutch residence permit without being allowed to work
– The foreign employee will stay less than 3 months to work in The Netherlands
Sometimes work and residence permit both have to be applied separately for 1 employee. For example for seasonal workers working longer than 3 months in The Netherlands.